HSS 371 - Midterms
Fall 2011

HSS 371 A (Weds)
Group 1: Due November 16
HSS 371 B (Tues)
Group 1: Due November 22

The Viral Me: Present and Past

Start by reading Devin Friedman's recent article in GQ, "The Viral Me."

Then, revisit Chapter 7, "Machines to Think With," in Howard Rheingold's book Tools for Thought. (A .pdf of the chapter is available under the "Week 3" tab in the course Moodle site.)

Then write a 750-1000 word essay that addresses the following questions: if Licklider was alive today, what would he think about the technologies and individuals featured in Friedman's article? Would he approve, disapprove, or something else? Can you think of other technologies in 2011, or other organizations, that Licklider might admire or want to be a part of? Your essay should be impeccably-written, with a clear thesis, convincing evidence, and strong conclusion. Cite all of your sources in an MLA-style works cited list. A printed copy of your essay is due at the beginning of class.